Marina City

лого хотел Марина Сити, Балчик

Prices and promotions


Accommodation 02.01 - 31.03
01.11 - 28.12
01.04 - 30.04 01.05-30.06 01.07 - 15.09 16.09 - 31.10
Studio with sea view
115 BGN
115 BGN
120 BGN
165 BGN
120 BGN
One-bedroom ap. - side sea view
120 BGN
125 BGN
145 BGN
200 BGN
140 BGN
One-bedroom ap. - sea view
130 BGN
140 BGN
160 BGN
215 BGN
170 BGN
Two-bedroom ap. - sea view
170 BGN
180 BGN
200 BGN
290 BGN
200 BGN

You are guaranteed the best prices when booking through the website!

Maximum capacity of the premises:

The price includes:

Accommodation conditions:


We offer a 10% discount to all our regular clients when booking through the website.

For this purpose, it is necessary to fill out the form correctly, after which we will check whether you fit into the category of regular clients and contact you to let you know.